Film School

Film School

For my architecture piece, I designed a school that is dedicated just for films–hence the name of the architecture piece is called Film School. I made this because I love creating and watching movies, and I realized that although there are a lot of schools that are known for good film courses, there are not a lot of schools just for making and watching films. I made this architecture into a shape of a camera because the camera is where all the pictures, actions and motions are taken. This part of the building is where the students would take classes, create their own movies, and where professors will work. The other part of the building is in a shape of a film tape to show how two buildings are related, and this other part of the building is made for the students or professors to launch and show their own movies to the audiences. Anyone could come and watch, and the prices would be much cheaper because the movies are not officially launched–it is for the students or professors to test their films and to see the people’s overall reaction.

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